With the world witnessing rapid changes, the need of delivering latest happenings in the world of politics, economy, finance, sports etc. in the form of news to masses through electronic and print media across the globe is growing. Newspapers, TV Channels and Radio Stations remained most popular media of delivering news for decades. But growth and popularity of Internet changed the trend. As the instant availability and accessibility of latest news is something everyone is looking for, News Websites, Mobile Apps and Video Broadcasting websites have become most popular media for instantly delivering News to the masses.
Pakistan Point Group has been providing News content to masses and catering their need and demand for latest news and information through internet from last 17 years, even before when it became a popular medium. Pakistan Point is one of Pakistan's biggest NEWS website which, on a single click, provides latest News, Breaking News, Sports News, Arts & Entertainment News, Science & Technology News, Business News, Education News, Analysis, Articles and more, in Eight different languages; English, Urdu, Arabic, Punjabi, Saraiki, Sindhi, Balochi and Pashtu. Pakistan Point is first Pakistani Website to offer Rich Content and News in four widely spoken regional and four international languages, that too in both text and video format. From Latest News, Breakings News, Top Stories and other content, Pakistan Point provides viewers, luxury to access their desired content 24/7.